Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bi Bim Bap

Do you remember the Bi Bim Bap's explain by me?
This dish comes in a large dish and is composed mainly of rice in the middle, vegetables on the side and an egg, often raw, on top.
The egg and condiments (hot pepper paste roasted sesame oil) are stirred into the rice.
The result is a quick, filling and tasty dish. It is popular for lunch or dinner
and Bi Bim Bap popular of Korean's airlinefood. At least if you fly Korean Air or Asiana it is because Bi Bim Bap shows that Korean's harmonious spirit.
One alternative way to serve it, especially in winter, is in a heated, ceramic bowl, which keeps it warm and lets the rice on the bottom get crunchy.
My best favorite food is Bi Bim Bap. Also Bi Bim Bap is easy to make because long time ago Korean was make the Bi Bim Bap, also they was poor, then they needed the one dish food.

Many foreigners like the Bi Bim Bap. But they don't like too hot. So that red pepper paste is put separately.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Party of Korea.(Korean's an alumni association.)

Korea have similar homecomig, that is alumni association.

Homecoming that a social event that takes place every year at a HIGH SCHOOL, college or
university for people who used to be students there.

Homecoming dance

Korean homecoming party is full p fun because many ex-students come to party.
They enojoy to party and talk to their life, worklife.
Also Korean homecoming party is not difficult because ex-students gather normal times.
So that they don't wear dresses, but when is BIG-PARTY, they wear formal dresses.
and Korean people certain are not go to the party, for example Korean ex-students go to
the mountain and thier's schools.
They are promise that "We are over and over meet grow the older men."

Monday, January 10, 2011

Korea poetry.

Let's forget

Jang Suk Joo

If you still miss someone.
You are happy person.

If you hate somebody.
You should be hate comforted
That your life wasn’t a waste

If you are still writing a letter
Shedding tears for someone
You still have hope.

You should forget about that.

The name that you miss
The face that you hate
The person that you can’t forget
Just Forget about it all

By forgetting
You should be free from yearning’s jail
By forgetting
Unravel the knot of bad fortunes
By forgetting
You should complete your Love

Then, stand up quietly
But Strongly
Rise Up again!
Start Again!

장석주 "잊자"

그대 아직 누군가 그리워하고 있다면
그대는 행복한 사람이다.

그대 아직 누군가 죽도록 미워하고 있다면
그대 인생이 꼭 헛되지만은 않았음을
위안으로 삼아야 한다.

그대 아직 누군가 잊지 못해
부치지 못한 편지 위에 눈물 떨구며 있다면
그대 인생엔 여전히 희망이 있다.

이제 먼저 해야 할 일은
잊는 것이다.

그리워하는 그 이름을

미워하는 그 얼굴을
잊지 못하는 그 사람을
모두 잊고 훌훌 털어버리는 것이다.

잊음으로써 그대를
그리움의 감옥으로부터 행방시켜야 한다.
잊음으로서 악연의 매듭을 끊고
잊음으로서 그대의 사랑을
완성해야 한다.

그 다음엔 조용히 그러나 힘차게
다시 일어서는 것이다!
다시 시작하는 것이다!