Monday, April 4, 2011

Tree-planting day in Korea.

Today is tree-planting day in Korea. But today is not holiday but 4~5 years ago, tree-planting day was holiday but government didn't admit this fact because Korean has many holidays so that government decides that we should reduce the holidays. So that many holidays destody, but tree-planting day is not remove only that holiday is not.

I heard that april, last friday is tree-planting day in US.

and april 4th is tree planting day in Japan, but I'm sure that Jaoanese can plant the tree because they are not peace in a word Japan is very hard so that they can;'t do that.

But nowaday, this is become and issue carbon dioside pollution. Because we use many products for example we use refrigeator, hair spray also car exhaust gas or factory smoke and sweepinhs destruction by fire is also become an issue.

So that we shold plant for trees! Let's plant trees in the streets!

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