Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Taekwondo is one of the most popular martial arts. The name Taekwondo is made up of several different word: Tae means to strike or to kick, Kwon means fists, and Do means a way of an art. Taekwondo, putting all these words together, means the art of kicking and striking.
Taekwondo, which is an art of self-defense without weapons, requires both mental and physical training.

Beginners learn to sit up, turn over, and kick high.
Advanced learners are able to break boards with only a fist.
Highly skilled students of taekwondo use their hands and fists to keep their attackers from attacking.
Not all taekwondo training is physical. Highly skilled students spend a lot of time in quiet thinking to train their minds. They train their minds and bodies so well that they often come to know exactly who their enemies are.
This mental training also helps increase the student's self-confidence so that they can win matches. That's how masters sometimes win matches without fighting.

These days many young people all over the world are developing their minds as well as their bodies by learning taekwondo.In the United States, for example, taekwondo is being taught in an increasing number of high schools and colleges. George Jeong, taekwondo master in a high school in Philadelphia, explains his school's taekwondo program. "We train the students to do well in school, to have a sense of responsibility, and to cope with their problems."

The colors of students' belt show their skills. Beginning students wear the white belt, and can be promoted as far as the black belt-a very high honor that few people gain. although most students of taekwondo never get a black belt, they do become more balanced people. taekwondo gives us physical and mental balance to cope with difficult situations. (the oriain-naver)

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